【同义词辨析】 2017-06-09 起源origin-provenance

origin: applies to the things or persons from which something is ultimately derived and often to the causes operating before the thing itself comes into being: an investigation into the ~s of baseball.  (derive源自: 表示之前以另一形式存在implies a prior existence in another form,如their system of justice derives from British colonial law他们司法体系源自英国殖民法律 ) (ultimate最终的无法超越的: the last degree or stage of a long process, beyond which further progress or change is impossible无法再发展变化, 如the ultimate collapse of civilization文明的最终毁灭)  cause起因,句中causes和之前的things or persons都是对origin的解释。

source: applies more often to the point where something springs into being: the ~ of the Nile. spring快速突然出现: to emerge rapidly and suddenly: a brilliant idea that sprang out of nowhere突然冒出个好主意)

inception: stresses the beginning of the existence of something without implying anything about the causes: the business has been a success since its ~.

root: suggests a first, ultimate, or fundamental source often not readily discerned: a need to find the real ~ of violence.

provenance: a technical term, applies to the place where something originally came from: all the furniture is of English provenance. 这些家具都是英国货

origin起源: 某物的最终来源,通常此物出现前已存在(operating before the thing itself comes into being),source也是起源: 多指快速突然出现的地方(the point...spring into being), inception开始: 强调开始存在(beginning),但没有表明起因,root: 最初根本的起源,常不易发现(ultimate最终,但最终的起源就是最初),provenance来源: 专业术语,表示某物的最初来源或产地

记忆方法: 1)首字母排序成IS PRO向前<==起源就是开始向前     (pro词根有两个意思,1向前 2支持)

         2)起源的意思是某物开始存在开始发展地方mean the point at which something begins its course or existence.     (course河道跑道)